1. Permanent
magnets of different shapes may be prepared from iron, steel, nickel, cobalt,
and their alloys.
2. A bar
magnet or a magnetic dipole is the simplest type of a permanent magnet.
3. A bar
magnet is characterized by: Its the directional property, Attracting
magnetic materials towards it, Including
magnetism in other magnetic materials etc.
4. Magnetic
monopoles are not found in nature.
5. The
magnetic effects in magnetic material are due to atomic magnetic dipole in the
materials. These
dipoles result from the effective current loops of electrons in atomic orbits.
6. All
magnetic phenomena can be explained in terms of circulating currents. A current
loop of area A carrying a current I is equivalent to a magnetic dipole of
dipole moment $ \vec{m} = I\vec{ A} $ along the axis of the loop. If there are N number of
turns in a coil then $ \vec{m} = NI\vec{ A} $. SI unit of magnetic dipole moment is ampere-meter2.
7. From the resemblance of magnetic field lines for a bar magnet and a solenoid, we may consider
a bar magnet as a large number of circulating current like a solenoid. In fact,
a bar magnet and a solenoid produce similar magnetic fields. The magnetic
moment of a bar magnet is thus equal to the magnetic moment of an equivalent
solenoid that produces the same magnetic field.
8. Magnetic
field lines are a visual and intuitive realization of the magnetic field. A
magnetic field is a smooth curve in a magnetic field, tangent to which at any
point gives the direction of the magnetic field at that point.
9. In free
space around a magnetic dipole the magnetic field lines start from N-pole and
end at S-pole. However, inside the magnet, they travel from S-pole to N-pole.
Thus, magnetic field lines of a magnetic or a solenoid form continuously closed
10. The
magnetic field lines do not intersect one another. It is so since the direction
of the magnetic field would not be unique at the point of intersection.
11. The larger
the number of magnetic field lines crossing per unit normal area in a given
region, the stronger is the magnetic field B there.
12. The
magnetic field B at the point on the axial line of a bar magnet (magnetic
dipole) of dipole moment m at a distance r from the mid-point of magnet is
given by \[\vec{B} = \frac{\mu_0}{4\pi}\frac{2\vec{m}r}{(r^2-l^2)^2}\]for short dipole or where r >> l, \[\vec{B} = \frac{\mu_0}{4\pi}\frac{2\vec{m}}{r^3}\]Direction of $ \vec{B}$ is same as of $\vec{m}$.
13. The
magnetic field B at a point on the equatorial line of a magnetic dipole of
magnetic moment m at a distance r from the mid-point dipole is \[\vec{B} = -\frac{\mu_0}{4\pi}\frac{\vec{m}}{(r^+l^2)^(3/2)}\]and for short dipole or when r >> l, \[\vec{B} = -\frac{\mu_0}{4\pi}\frac{\vec{m}}{r^3}\]Here -ve sign means that direction of magnetic field is opposite to the direction of dipole moment.
acting on a magnetic dipole of moment M placed in a uniform magnetic field B is
given by\[\vec{\tau} = \vec{M} \times \vec{B}\]and \[{\tau} = MBsin(\theta)\],where $\theta $ is is the angle between the magnetic
axis of dipole and the magnetic field. The torque tends to align the magnetic
dipole along the direction of magnetic field.
15. The
potential energy of a magnetic dipole placed at angle $\theta $ with the magnetic field
B is \[U = -\vec{m}.\vec{B} = -mBcos\theta\]where we
choose the zero of energy at the orientation when m is perpendicular to B. For $ \theta $ = 00, potential energy of a
magnetic dipole is -mB and it corresponds to stable equilibrium state of
magnetic dipole in a magnetic field. However, for $ \theta = \pi $, U = mB and it corresponds to unstable
equilibrium of magnetic dipole.
16. A magnetic
dipole freely suspend in a uniform magnetic field B, if once twisted by a small
angle $\theta$ and then released, executes simple harmonic oscillations. The time
period of oscillation is given by \[T = 2\pi \sqrt{\frac{I}{mB}}\]Where I =
moment of inertia of magnetic dipole about the suspension axis and m = magnetic
dipole moment.
17. According
to Gauss’ law for magnetism, “ the net magnetic flux through any closed surface
is zero” i.e., \[\Phi_B = \oint \vec{B}.\vec{dS} = 0\]It is so
because in magnetism isolated monopoles do not exist. There are no source/ sink
of magnetic field B. the simplest magnetic element is a dipole or a current loop.
18. Our earth has a magnetic field of its own. The earth’s magnetic field
resembles that of a (hypothetical ) giant magnetic dipole which is aligned
making a small angle with the rotational axis of the earth. Its magnetic north
pole Nm is near the geographic south pole Sg and its
magnetic south pole Sm is near the geographic north pole Ng.
the earth’s magnetic field may be approximated by a dipole with magnetic moment
8.0 x 1022 A-m2.
19. The strength of earth’s magnetic field varies from place to place on the
earth’s surface. The magnitude of the field is of the order of 4 x10-5
20. Magnetic element of a place are three quantities needed to specify the
magnetic field of the earth at the given place. The three magnetic element are
(i) the magnetic declination, the magnetic dip, and (iii) the horizontal
component of earth’s magnetic field.
21. Magnetic declination (D) at a place are the angle which magnetic
meridian at that place subtends from the geographic meridian. Effectively, it is the angle between the
true geographic north and the north shown by a compass needle.
22. Magnetic dip $\delta $ or angle of inclination is the angle in which direction of
earth magnetic field at a place subtends from the horizontal direction along
the magnetic meridian.
23. If $B_E$ be the magnetic field of earth at a given place and $\delta $ be the
magnetic dip then horizontal component of earth magnetic field is $ B_H = B_Ecos\delta $ and the vertical component of earth field
is $B_V = B_Esin\delta $. \[B_E^2 = B_H^2+B_V^2 \implies B_E = \sqrt{B_H^2+B_V^2}\] \[tan\delta = \frac{B_V}{B_H}\]
23. Earth magnetic field is thought to arise due to electrical produced by
convective motion of metallic fluids (consisting mostly of molten iron and
nickel) in the outer core of the earth. It is known as the ‘dynamo effect’.
24. Magnetic equator is the axis, at all points of earth’s magnetic field is
directed horizontally i.e. $ B_E = B_V $ and angle of dip, as well as vertical component of earth’s magnetic field $B_V $, have zero value.
25. At magnetic poles of earth $\delta = \frac{\pi}{2}$, $B_H= 0$ and $B_V=B_H $ value of dip
angle gradually increases as one goes from equatorial region towards the poles
of earth.
26. At the magnetic poles a compass needle may point along any direction.
However a dip needle will point straight down at the magnetic poles.
27. In free space if magnetic field at a given place be $ \vec{B_0 } $ then we define a
term known as” magnetic intensity” H as \[\vec{H} = \frac{\vec{B_0}}{\mu_0}\] where $ \mu_0 $ is the magnetic permeability of free space.
28. When a magnetic material is placed in a magnetic field $ B_0 $ the field
changes to B on account of magnetization of that material. the net magnetic moment developed in the given material
per unit volume is known as “magnetization” (or intensity of magnetization) M
of that material. Thus \[\large \vec{M} = \frac{\vec{m_{net}}}{V}\]SI unit of magnetization $\vec{M}$ is A-m-1.
29. In the presence of a magnetic material, the magnetic field change from $ \vec{B_0} $ to $ \vec{B}$ where \[\large \vec{B} = \mu_r \vec{B_0}\]and $ \mu_r $ is known as relative magnetic permeability of given
material and is a unitless and dimensionless quantity.
30. It is observed that \[\large \vec{B} = \vec{B_0} + \vec{B_m} = \mu_0\vec{H} + \mu_0\vec{M} = \mu_0(\vec{H} + \vec{M})\]
31. Magnetic susceptibility of a magnetic material $ \chi $ is defined as per
relation\[\large \vec{M} = \chi \vec{H}\]It is a measure of how a magnetic material responds to an external
magnetic field. Magnetic susceptibility is a unitless and dimensionless
quantity. It is found that \[\large \mu_r=1+ \chi\]
32. \[\large \mu_r . \mu_0 = \mu\]is the absolute magnetic permeability of given material. Units and
dimensions of $ \mu$ are same as of $ \mu_r $
33. Diamagnetic materials are those which experience a feeble force of
repulsion when placed in a strong external magnetic field. Diamagnetic
substances tend to move from stronger to weaker part of the external magnetic
field. The field lines are repelled or expelled and the field inside a
diamagnetic material is reduced. The individual atoms of a diamagnetic material do not possess a
permanent magnetic dipole moment of their own but a small dipole moment in the opposite direction is developed in them when placed in an external magnetic
field. Bismuth, copper, lead, nitrogen, water, etc., are diamagnetic in nature.
For diamagnetic material $ -1 \leq \chi $ <0, $ 0 \leq \mu_r < 1 $ and $\mu < \mu_0 $. A superconductor is
a perfect diamagnetic for which $\chi = 0, \mu_r = 0, \mu_0 = 0 $.
34. Paramagnetic materials are those which experience a weak force of
attraction when placed in an external magnetic field. Paramagnetic substances
are weakly magnetized when placed in an external magnetic field. Field lines
are attracted and the field inside a paramagnetic material is increased. They
have a tendency to move from weaker to stronger regions of magnetic field. The individual atoms possess a permanent
dipole moment and this dipole moment tries to align itself in the direction of
external field B0. Aluminum, sodium, calcium, oxygen, etc., are
paramagnetic. For paramagnetic materials, $ \chi $ is small positive, $\mu_r $ is greater than 1.
35. Ferromagnetic materials are those which are strongly attracted by an external magnetic field and which can themselves
be magnetized. Iron, nickel, cobalt and some of their alloys are ferromagnetic. For ferromagnetic materials $\chi >> 1, \mu_r >>1, \mu >> \mu_0 $.
36. The individual atoms in a ferromagnetic material possess a permanent
dipole moment. These atomic dipoles interact with one another so as to form
domains. Ordinarily, the magnetization varies randomly from domain to domain
and net magnetization is zero. Under the influence of an external magnetic
field the domains are aligned accordingly and the sample acquires
37. Ferromagnetic materials are said to be hard if magnetization persists
even after the removal of external magnetic field. Ferromagnetic materials are
called soft it magnetization disappears on removal of external field.
38. According to Curie’s law magnetization $\vec{M} $ of a paramagnetic material is
directly proportional to applied magnetic field B0 and inversely
proportional to the absolute temperature T. Thus, \[\large \vec{M} = \frac{C\vec{B_0}}{T}\]where C is known as the Curie’s constant. In terms of susceptibility, we
have $ \chi = C \frac{\mu_0}{T} $.
39. The ferromagnetic property of a material gradually decrease as the
temperature is raised. Above a certain “temperature is transition” (also known
as Curie temperature) a ferromagnetic material begins to behave as a
paramagnetic substance. The susceptibility above the Curie’s temperature is
described by: \[\large \chi = \frac{C}{T- T_C}\]
40. Relation between B and H in ferromagnetic material is complex and
represented by a hysteresis curve. The word hysteresis means lagging behind of
B w.r.t. H.
41. The residual magnetization of a ferromagnetic substance undergoing an
hysteresis cycle must be subjected in order to demagnetize it completely, is
known as ‘coercive force’ or ‘coercivity’.
42. During a complete magnetization cycle of a material some energy is
dissipated, which appears as heat. Area of B-H hysteresis loop gives the energy
dissipation per unit volume per cycle. Steel has a wide hysteresis loop but
soft iron has a narrow hysteresis curve.
43. The hysteresis curve allows us to select suitable materials for a
magnet. Material for a permanent magnet should have high retentivity ,high
coercivity and a high permeability. Steel is a favoured choice for permanent magnet. Material for an electromagnet
should have high permeability, low
retentivity and a narrow hysteresis curve soft iron is therefore preferred for
making an electromagnet.